Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Falsified Data is still false

"George Orwell said, he who controls the past controls the future. These days, the global warming alarmists are firmly in control of the past–the records relating to the past, anyway–and one of the most egregious aspects of the global warming scandal is the fact that they consistently alter past temperature records to make the present look warmer by comparison. Today another example of this deception comes from Watts Up With That."

I referred in a post below about the younger generations need to quit relying on the Instructors, Teachers and Politicians to feed them their knowledge and should seek it out for them selves.  I should have included Scientists in that statement.  ESPECIALLY as those scientists get grants that are worded in such a way that the research in question is aimed for one particular result.

Do your own research.

Don't let them lie to you.  Hold Them accountable for their lies and misdirection.

H/t Maetenloch @ Ace's

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