Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Good Thing I keep Comment Moderation on

When I changed the comments to allow Anonymous comments again.  I didn't think it would just a few hours before I considered turning it OFF again.

I don't think my readers would appreciate dozens of links for Cialis, Viagra, Hemp Oil, Ionized Silver, Miracle Cancer Cures, Diesel Generators, Diesel Tractors, Any Movie you want for $2.99, A New I-Pad for free just take this survey, and on and on and on.

Less than 12 hours and 15 spam comments.  Only 1 actually traceable to a Google Account, which I have reported and tried to block in the past for it's spam nonsense.

And Two more Spam Comments while I'm typing this post.

One Anonymous and one from a Blogger Account

Spam Commenters that aren't Anonymous.

foceya012 - Blogger Account

sm aksen - Google Plus Account Reported this one 4 or 5 times so far.

Amelia Davis - Blogger Account

84829942-3a88-11e0-83da-000bcdcb5194 - Open ID Account

Kim_Burns - Blogger Account

james alian - Google Plus Account I've reported this one about 10 times

These are accounts that have posted Spam Comments here on my blog.  The Google Plus Accounts I have been reporting as there is a Nice little button that allows that.  The Blogger Accounts and Open ID Accounts, I still haven't found a way to report them for Spam.

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Please moderate yourself and your language. No posting of links to businesses, if you have a business you wish to advertise send me an e-mail. Please do not hide links in a comment. Post any links in full.

If you do not have a full user profile, your comment may be reported as spam. Particularly if you post a link to a commercial site.


It doesn't take much to fill your profile and put in a picture.

Thank you for reading my blog.