Sunday, July 28, 2013

Like Star Wars?

I happen to sorta know some people who are trying to build a full scale static model of the Millennium Falcon.  Their project is called The Full Scale Millennium Falcon Project, and if you would like to some of the pictures of the build of the Full Scale Cockpit that when done will be touring to help raise funds for the construction of the actual Full Scale Falcon, have I got a link for you.  Some pics too.

Those are the newest pics of the Cockpit build.  The link to just hose pics is:  Falcon Cockpit Update

If you want to see the whole build from beginning to it's current iteration click:  1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Also if you would like to get updates on the build, or donate funds to help with it's construction On Full Scale Falcon, there is a way to purchase a shirt to help with the cost.  It's on the right, just scroll down a bit.


  1. Lots of manhours and who knows how much money... But if he's having fun... Go for it!

  2. Some of the costs are being defrayed by other RPF members by sending him small parts such as switches, LED's and other things. He still has a lot of money in it though. The hope is to finish up the cockpit, the Quad Lasers and the front window of the falcon and put them on tour to all of the various Conventions to raise money for building the full size Falcon.


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