Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Local FFL

I'm putting this up to because I've had a few requests about where I purchase my Firearms.

First is My local FFL Dealer.  For the most part I order my firearms on-line and have them shipped to my FFL Dealer.  And that is Aransas Firearms in Fulton Texas.  Since I normally purchase several firearms there a year Tyler sometimes gives me a reduced paperwork rate.  Not always, but the time I had 5 Tauruses, one for me the rest for other family members he took $5.00 off the paperwork charge for each pistol.  He has also told me that he would give group discounts on CCL Classes in groups of 5 or larger as long as he is given enough notice to work it in to the schedule.  He and I never discussed what the discount is, but if you and several of your friends or family members wanted to take your CCL Classes together in a brand new inside range, contact Tyler and he will probably work out a deal for you.

Now Companies I have purchased firearms from in the past and plan on continue using them.

J&G Sales

AIM Surplus

Those are the two main companies I order from.  For local purchases I check out the local Pawn Shops and Sporting Goods Stores.

Other Companies I've purchased parts, tools, accessories, and ammunition from.


Midway Shooting Supplies

Numrich Arms Co.

RTG International Surplus Parts

FS Reloading

Sportsmans Guide

Graf and Sons Reloading

CDNN Sports

Track of The Wolf

Muzzleloading and More

Lucky Gunner


Dixie Gun Works

Centerfire Systems (Now Centerfire is a bit weird, I've had both good and bad experiences with them.  Long shipping times, lack of communication, miscommunication for the bad.  Quick shipping with proper product, had one small issue which they corrected immediately. so YMMV)

These are the companies I use the most.  I've ordered from many other companies however I either didn't get the service I feel a paying customer should receive or the products didn't live up to their promise.

The companies I've listed above are companies I've had good experiences with.  Getting good service for a good price.  None of those companies are paying me anything to post them here.  There are many other companies that I have had dealings with, but never purchased from them due to lack of funds on my part, however they always were courteous and took the time to answer my questions and offer any help they could.

The best of those are:


SAMCO Global

APEX Gun Parts

Military Gun Supply


The Possible Shop

Navy Arms

I've got a at least a dozen more that are very niche sites.  If you are interedted in them send me a message or leave a comment.

But in my opinion the above companies are the good guys when it comes to purchasing a firearm, ammunition, parts or accessories.  I haven't purchased from all of the above companies, but they have all given me service in one form or another.  And for the most part it has all been GOOD service.  Like I wrote after the entry for Centerfire Systems, I had one experience that wasn't that great, but they more than made up for it with their further service.  Granted that order was shortly after Obama won the first election in 2008 and EVERYONE was getting slammed.  I'm not offering that as an excuse for the service I received, but I did take it in to account when I thought about ordering from them again, and the service I received then has put me at ease about recommending them to you.

1 comment:

  1. I've had nothing but the best service from Apex, Copes, and MGS.
    I've also had great service from Centerfire.


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