Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Obama's war on the suburbs

"The new HUD rule is really about changing the way Americans live. It is part of a broader suite of initiatives designed to block suburban development, press Americans into hyper-dense cities, and force us out of our cars"

That is all HUD's new direction actually is.  It is a war against the people who took their children, their tax dollars and their spending money out of the corrupt mismanaged cities. So by forcing the suburban communities to accept the former inner city dwellers, with their high crime and recidivism rate, lowers the property values through increased crime and vandalism.

Don't believe me? I used to work for the St. Louis City and county Housing Authorities doing security.  I was armed, and we never ran less than 2 men per shift.  The crime rate in most of the projects was over 70%.  One of the very worst projects was less than 1 mile from one of the most prosperous sections of St. Louis County.  Rapes, Murders, Drugs you name it.

And Obama wants to move that into yours and everyone elses neighborhood.

Still think he isn't trying to destroy this country?

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