Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One law or rule for you

a totally different one for the .GOV and it's minions.

"A government watchdog has found for the first time that confidential tax records of several political candidates and campaign donors were improperly scrutinized by government officials, but the Justice Department has declined to prosecute any of the cases."

So lets see, if I snoop through the personal records of someone who supports something I don't approve of, I can be charged with a crime and possibly serve time in jail or prison.  But if the .GOV and it's minions do the same, they get off scott free with not even a slap on the wrist or a writeup in their employment records.  

That's the way it's appears to be going.

No more.

We are supposed to be a Nation of Laws. 

Those Laws need to be followed and implemented straight across the board against EVERYONE.

Including those who are in .GOV's employ.

ESPECIALLY those in .GOV's employ.

1 comment:

  1. No surprise on this end... They 'needed' the information for Op research...


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