Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Physical computer security

"The target was at Fridayevening prayers at the local mosque. But rather than ransack the apartment and stealthe computer equipment and other valuables while he was away -- as any right-minded burglar wouldnormally have done -- one of the men pulled out a disk and loaded some programs onto the resident's laptop computer while the other man kept watch at thewindow. The whole operation took less than two minutes, then the two trespassers fled the way they came, leaving no trace that they had ever been there."

Many years ago there was an 8 bit ISA card that was installed into your computer that was an extra security measure for some computers.  The card logged every time the computer was turned on and required an additional password to be entered before it would allow access to the hard drive.  Does anyone know what the name of that card was?  And if there is a current iteration of it?  I think I should look into adding something like that to my computers.

Not that I'm doing anything illegal, however with what I'm seeing going on with our so called "Security" agencies and knowing what I write on my blog, I wouldn't put it past the current crop of idjits to try to find out what I keep on my hard drives.  And for those idjits, everything on my drives is legal, even if you don't think I should have some of it, it IS legal for me to possess it.  It only becomes Illegal if I have the INTENT of using the knowledge those files possess.  And I personally have no intent to do so.  I'd really like to see my kids grow up get married and have kids of their own, and I really want to dance at my grandkids weddings.  So NO, I have no intent on using the files you wish I and millions of others didn't have.  But it would tickle me silly if I added security hardware to my computers just to inconvenience you.  And you might ask yourselves why that would tickle me silly.  It's because you are over stepping your authority and abusing the public trust in the process.  If you quit doing the things which you KNOW are unconstitutional even though they are "technically" legal with the cover of judicial connivance.  You KNOW that it is wrong.  So stop doing it.

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