Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Skript kiddies, Hackers, Anonymous et al

If you guys and gals would spend more of you time and attention on what is really going behind the scenes instead of getting outraged over some new faux scandal that happens to catch your ADHD addled attention, you might actually be able to help and change the world.

Instead you get all butt sore over something and instead of looking BEHIND the headlines, you let someone who you may not even know or who may not be on the level direct you into doing something stupid.

How many scandals does the current government have?  How many are getting proper attention in all forms of the media you actually pay attention to?  How much of what you are getting is the truth?  How much is the spin?

Instead of getting upset about scandal "A" which supposedly affirms your own prejudices and beliefs, why aren't you looking at Scandal "B", "C", "D","E" and "F" that only one or two places is reporting on, and NO ONE ELSE IS?

You are the "Look Squirrel" Generation.

Your attention wanders from point 1 to point 17 skipping every point in between.

You want it all and you want it now.  Never mind the fact that the real world doesn't operate that way.

I'm sorry, unless you patent the next greatest thing in Software and sell it to Microsoft or Apple or Win the Lottery, you CANNOT get it now.

Everything you want has to be earned somehow by someone.

I spent over 90 minutes talking to a young man who thinks that with his High School Drop Out education he can get a job on the oil fields here locally.  When EVERY Classified Ad says "MUST HAVE A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR G.E.D."  Almost EVERY Entry Level position with ANY Company requires that minimum.

And he is just OUTRAGED about the Zimmerman Verdict, Immigration Reform, Gun Control, and a whole host of other things.  And yet he get's 99% of his information from Facebook and word of mouth.


How hard is it to turn on the evening news?  How hard is it to go to your local TV Stations or Newspapers websites and read the news there?

You are ALL being misinformed, and in your IGNORANCE, you are being used.

And you are too LAZY and STUPID to see it.

And you are supposed to be the future Generation's of America, and the World.

I fear for our country and this world if YOU are going to be in charge in the future.

Look at yourselves.

Do you even know who the current Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, Speaker of the House, Speaker of the Senate, Senate Majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader or any other of those people who CONTROL the organs of government that CONTROLS your lives?

Do you know who they are without searching it out on Google, or DuckDuckGO, Bing or any other search engine?  Who is YOUR State's Governor? Your Representative in State and Federal Congress?  Who are your Senators?

Do you KNOW any of this?

And yet YOU are supposed to be our future.

You let your instructors, teachers and politicians LIE to you, because you're too lazy and afraid to stand up to them and demand the truth.  They tell you falsehoods to shape your opinions and sway you to their point of view, so you then stand up and defend their lies.  Why don't you stand up for yourselves, and demand the TRUTH.

This isn't where one side says black, the other says white and the truth is a muzzy shade of gray.  Pierce the veil for yourselves, shine the light in those muzzy areas and find out what you ARE NOT being told..

People accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist and rumor monger.

All I will tell you is Find out for yourself.

Do the research.  And most of it cannot be done behind a computer keyboard.  You need to go to the libraries and find out for yourself.  Everything I know I found for myself.  I went looking for the facts.  Some of them agreed with what I already believed.  Some of them I didn't want to believe.  But FACTS are the truest truth there is.

So get the FACTS.  Don't let them direct your attention elsewhere with slogans or theatrics or faked outrage over some drummed up, molded, shaped, and regurgitated scandal.

Quit being more concerned with Brittney, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Dre, and all of those bought and paid for brainwashed ignorant fools, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

Don't let some actor or politician who is making millions of dollars define what your conscious should be telling you.  They have an agenda.

Buy this product, vote for that politician, do as I say not as I do.

Get off their train of lies and deceit and find out for yourself what is and isn't the truth.

You supposedly have a brain.  Why not prove it and use it.

Don't believe you're being lied to?  Follow the link in THIS post.

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