Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Try to protect your onlibe privacy violate a law?

"Clearing cookies limits the profiles advertisers can compile, essentially rendering us as a new user to web services. In fact, the FTC recommends that users clear cookies to protect their private information, and the Treasury Department advises the same — though in that case it’s to make sure their website is loading correctly for users.

However, many websites rely on cookies to enforce paywalls. These companies do this so their freemium business models can work transparently, without initially requiring the user to be aware (i.e., log in) until they hit the limit"

You could possibly be charged with a crime by trying to protect your Online Privacy and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).  These websites want to "Track" your online presence so they can either sell that information to other companies or use it themselves to target you for intrusive ads and offers.

I'm sorry, if I want something I know how to search for it myself and I don't like the idea of anyone tracking me or what I do online.  What I do is my business, not theirs.

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