Tuesday, July 23, 2013

UNESCO Venerates a sociopath in violation of it's own rules

“UNESCO continued its longstanding tradition of making a mockery of its own institution when it opted to venerate and memorialize the life of a blood thirsty, murderous sadist, Che Guevara, by including his works as an entry in its ‘Memory of the World Register.’ This decision is more than an insult to the families of those Cubans who were lined up and summarily executed by Che and his merciless cronies but it also serves as a direct contradiction to the UNESCO ideals of encouraging peace and universal respect for human rights"

Do these people not understand how to read their OWN records?

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro Were and ARE since Fidel is still alive, BUTCHERS.  Racist Demagogues.

Wait a second, I forgot.  The entire U.N. is filled with Demagogues, and so is our current Administration.


H/t Wisco Dave

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