Thursday, July 25, 2013

Would you like a decent 9mm for under $300?

Took eldest Daughter and her Boyfriend shooting today as he would like to purchase a handgun for himself and I wanted him to get some experience before he went a made a purchase he might not like or later want.

Well we got home and are talking when I showed him my little  FEG which he liked shooting, on J&G's Website, and I found a deal you my readers might like.

Photo Copyright J&G Sales
He fired one of my Tokarevs, my 1911A1, one of my Model 82's, my FEG and some other firearms of mine.

He really liked the 1911A1 and the Tokarev.  So what do I find while showing him where I got a few of my pistols?  That pistol above.  A 9mm Zastava Tokarev.  For 259.00 plus shipping.  He is thinking about it, but I think he has his heart set on a 1911A1.

If you, my readers would like to get a good quality inexpensively priced 8 shot 9mm, I would recommend this pistol to you.  I've bought from J&G several times and I"ve never had any issues with their service or the firearms I've bought from them. 

The link to this pistol on J&G's site is: Zastava Tokarev 9 MM

They also still have Tokarevs in the original 7.62X25 for a similar price.

There will be a range report after I clean all the firearms and get some rest.

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