Friday, August 9, 2013

ObamaCare - Affordable Care Act

"There is a bizarre irony at work here. Both the Right and the Left are convinced Obamacare will eventually become popular if implemented. Conservatives fear the “ratchet effect,” a term coined by the great libertarian economic historian Robert Higgs. Once government expands, goes the theory, reversing that expansion is nearly impossible. Liberals have their own version. They point out that once Americans get an entitlement — Social Security, Medicare, etc. — they never want to lose it. They hope that if they can just get Americans hooked on the goodies in Obamacare, they’ll overlook all the flaws."


We Do Not Like ObamaCare, We Do Not Like It Barack I Am Not!

It is already costing too much, it entails violations of our privacy rights it is too MUCH!

REPEAL IT!  End of Discussion!

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