Saturday, August 10, 2013

On the IRS Targetting Conservatives

here is my question in all this hue and cry has ANY of the targeted groups applications been approved?  We know that this targeting was to take the TEA Party and similar organizations OUT of the picture for the 2012 Elections.  Are those organizations now "Authorized"?  Do they have their approval?  Can they do the job they set out to do before the 2012 Election?

Democrats, Leftists, Progressives, Liberals, Unions, all on and the same and they all control our Country's Government.  And they LIKE that.  So of course they are going to use Union Strongarm Tactic to keep the other guy down.  That's all this is.  Remember where Obama came from, remember what he was.  And that is his ENTIRE Cabinet and policy bosses.

Add in the spying, add in Benghazi, add in all the various cover ups and you have The Chicago Machine.

If you are one of those who doesn't think that the Government and the Administration aren't doing anything wrong, look up Tammany Hall, Cook County Democratic Party, E.H. Crump, Huey Long and there are others.

If you bothered to open your eyes and put forth the effort to actually look into the connections you would see that about 93% of the current government Democrats and Republicans are bad.

And some of you want to vote them back into office to allow the same corrupt practices to continue.  The trampling of everyone's Rights and the dissolution of Country.

Some of you think we live in a Democracy.  You are wrong.  Your teachers LIED to you.

We live in a Constitutional Republic, with strict limits on federalism and strong emphasis on the Rights of the States and each State's Citizens.

I suggest you look things up for yourself while you still can find the information.  I'm sure if you bothered to look you would find that lots of reference materials from libraries across the country are either missing or you are no longer allowed to read it UNLESS you are an "Authorized Researcher"

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