Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Teacher's Union Protecting a Convicted Child Rapist

"The Janczewski’s son was brutally raped over a period exceeding three years (2006-2009) by his middle school math teacher, Neal Erickson."


"However, the rapist has supporters – Open and Public supporters.    Supporters who are teachers themselves and who are actively teaching in the same schools.   Supporters who are angry at the Janczewski family for assisting the authorities in filing charges.   And it gets worse – much worse."


"The Parents were threatened, if they went forward with prosecution of Mr. Erickson, they would suffer retaliation. The threats were not just veiled – they were carried out. The Janczewski’s garage was burned down, their house barely escaping the fire and the message “I Told You – You Will Pay” scrawled on the side of their home."


"The School Board actually had membership who sat with the admitted rapist during the sentencing hearing.    The support for the rapist so egregious even the judge had to admonish them for their audacity and detachment from reality."  

Those all link to the same article, but I wanted you to SEE just how despicable these individuals are.

Another write up on this is:

"A family was alerted that their son was seen on a child porn site being molested by his teacher.The guy was arrested. He admitted his guilt. He raped this kid for 3 years.Knowing that this creep did to this boy, teachers, and the district leader, stood by this guy."

I swiped this video from there as well, if it embeds properly.


Even with DOCUMENTED PROOF, these "Union" members stood by this creature who RAPED A CHILD.

Is there any other reason we need to abolish the Unions?

H/T Wisco Dave

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