Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This is amazing-from the inbox

This is  quite amazing
The first  to the last picture are taken at the beach in  Santa Barbara right next to the  Pier.   There is a veterans group that  started putting a cross and candle for every  death in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The amazing  thing is that they only do it on the  weekends.

They  put up this graveyard and take it down every  weekend. Guys sleep in the sand next to it and  keep watch over it at night so nobody messes  with it.   Every cross has the name,  rank and D.O.B. and D.O.D. on it.Very moving,  very powerful.   So many young  volunteers.   So many 30 to 40 year  olds as well.


The ACLU  (American Civil Liberties Union) has filed a  suit to have all Military
Cross-shaped  headstones removed.

And that they filed  another suit to end prayer from the military  completely.   They're making great  progress.

The Navy Chaplains can no  longer mention Jesus's name in prayer thanks to  the ACLU and our new administration.

Keep forwarding  this e-mail to others.   I'm not  breaking this one.   I'm asking that  you don't break it either.

If I get it a 1000  times, I'll forward it a 1000 times!    Prayer for all allied soldiers... please don't  break it!   Please send this on after  a short prayer.  Please, let us  pray:

'Heavenly  Father, hold our troops in Your loving hands.  Protect them as they protect us.
Bless  them and their families for the selfless acts  they perform for us in this our time of  need.
These things I humbly ask in the name  of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,  Amen.'

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