Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fukishima is getting much worse

and is even worse than we were first lead to believe.

"It is suspected that many more tanks are leaking. Until recently TEPCO had only two men patrolling 1,060 tanks twice a day armed with inadequate Geiger counters. When new instruments were provided, radiation of 1,800 millisieverts per hour, or 180 rems, was discovered in leaked water at another tank, while several days later a reading measuring 2,200 millsieverts, or 220 rems, per hour was discovered! This was estimated to be mostly beta radiation, which would not penetrate the clothing of the workers. However high levels of gamma are radiating continually from the tanks and gamma, like x-rays goes right through a human body unimpeded."

Inadequate measuring equipment, children already coming down with cancers, leaks getting worse and facts are being hidden.

ht: B 

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