Saturday, September 28, 2013

If ObamaCare aka The Affordable Care Act is so great,

why are so many employers doing everything they can to reduce their expenses as they relate to it?

"A list of over 300 employers who have allegedly cut their employees’ hours to avoid a tax associated with President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law was published this week by a prominent investors website."

With implementation due to start in just a few days, the problems with the exchanges, the costs and everything else.  And STILL the democrats are doing everything they can to push through the implementation.


Because they know if they don't force it through NOW, with all the problems, legal challenges and the actions of the Republicans in Congress, it will be defunded and repealed.

They have no choice, they know that it is now or never.

If they don't force it through with their bully tactics, it will never be fully enacted.

And their grasp on power depends on it being implemented.

No ACA/ObamaCare, and they can kiss the House and the Senate goodby in 2014.  And the Presidency in 2016.

So they HAVE to force it through now.

They have no options left.

1 comment:

  1. I'd almost, almost say let it go through... THEN the reality would hit and COULD NOT be covered by the schmoozing and BS...


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