Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My trip to Asymmetric Solutions Farmington Mo Facility

This is the video I took at Asymmetric Solution's Farmington, MO facility.  I was using my monopod as my cane as it's a little hard to use the camera and my cane at the same time.  I had planned to do a much more detailed video including some shooting on their range.  However I spun out in their driveway while towing a truck behind me, which messed up both my truck and the truck I was towing.  The young guy in the video whose name I can't remember helped my redrill and remount the towbar and helped me get on my way after he and the older gentleman gave me a quick tour.

I can tell you this from seeing those walls in the shoot house, nothing is getting through them unless it is BIG, as in .50 BMG AP or larger.

Now some will look at this and will think that they have a bunch of stuff that doesn't look finished.  Well there were other areas which I tried to focus in on, such as their pistol range and the vehicle shoot range.  Most of the areas are actually well built with proper safety measures incorporated.   Nine foot berms, Hesco Type carriers and they are adding more parts to the facility to allow for more types of training.  They have one whole side of a mountain I actually climbed a few times in the past, to use for target practice.  They are adding on to the shoot house to incorporate multiple floor scenarios.

From what I saw, there is a lot of money and time behind putting their facility together.  And they have another facility about 45 miles away outside of Potosi, MO that I hope in the future I might be able to tour.

Would I go there to take a course?

Well it would depend on the course.  I'm disabled and have very limited mobility.  They do offer Firearm Safety courses, CCW Courses, First Aid courses.  Those I think I could handle physically.  Their more advanced courses?  I'm not qualified physically or from prior experience to take or judge how good they are.  My totality of tactical training back when I was working for the Housing Authority and the Police Department was a 45 minute class with 15 minutes of doing a walk through with a paintball gun every year for 10 years, which mostly dealt with doing an emergency entry or taking down a prisoner in his cell.  That's it.

I'm not Mr Sooper Soldier or Tactical Wizard Cop.  I was a Security Officer, and an unpaid Police Auxiliary working in the jail, who got to go out on the street maybe twice a month for 4 hours.

So I'm not the person to tell you whether or not their advanced courses are good or not.  For that I would recommend you contact Asymmetric Solutions yourselves.

I can tell you this.  They have spent a lot of money and are still spending a lot of money to improve their facility.  That means they are not a fly by night outfit only in this to make as much money as they can as quickly as they can.  Granted they do this to make money, but what would their return on their investment be if they spent all that money and their students/customers don't get their money's worth?

One or two bad reviews could sink their business, and they would be out all that money they have invested.

I doubt seriously they are willing to do that, so I think they would hire competent, knowledgeable instructors.

You however have to decide if that is good enough for you.

Me?  I'd like to figure out a way for my two brothers and nephews to take their Firearms Safety Course.  I think they would learn a lot, and they would enjoy it.  It also might be something I and they could afford in this current economy.

So there is my review and my view of Asymmetric Solutions.

If you have any questions or comments hit the comment button below.

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