Sunday, September 22, 2013

Very troubling

Geheime Staatspolizei

If you don't know who the Geheime Staatspolizei were let me direct you to this : Gestapo

Do you know who they were now?

If you still cannot figure this out let me point out you have somehow obtained a poorly lacking education, beyond even watching the History Channel on one of their regular World War Two days.  For several months it seemed the History Channel was All Hitler, All the Time.  Those shows seemed to be specializing on his Schutzstaffel or SS in excess to all else, for awhile.  To the point that many blog from both the left, right and center came up with that name above, All Hitler, All The Time or The Hitler Channel.

And Gestapo was a subset of the SS.

Now the SS was actually created as a small part of Sturmabteilung or SA.  What were called the original "Stormtroopers".  Their job was bully boys who would beat down anyone who got in the way or the Party Leadership thought was getting too big for their britches.  The "Brownshirts" wore surplus military shirts issued to them by the "Party".  Their original purpose was as the "Bouncers" of the party to throw out the wrong kind of troublemakers and back up the right ones.  Did you catch that?

The SA were used to beat up the political enemies of their party leadership and to stir up trouble.  Make themselves look both strong and imposing and by extension their party look that way as well.

The SA were the strong arm of The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP or as it has become know throughout the world as the NAZI party.

By now you are either thinking "Yeah, so what?" and leaving the page or you are thinking, "Where is he going with this?"

Continue reading and you will find out.

In 1923, Adolf Hitler and the rest of the firebrands in the NSDAP, the SA, attempted to take over the government in what became known as the "Beer Hall Putsch".  It failed.  Adolf Hitler was arrested, charged with treason and convicted and received a 5 year sentence.  He was out in 9 months.  While he was in prison he wrote his seminal effort, "Mein Kampf" a book filled with his plans for the future of his nation, his racism and antisemitism.  The downtrodden, the poor those who felt oppressed bought it enough that Hitler was able to buy one of the most expensive cars in the country, while he was still in prison.  Later after he rose to the Chancellery in 1933 it's popularity rose even more.

As Hitler's power grew so did the power and stature of his supporters in the SA.  Ernst Rohm was the leader and co-founder of the SA and he had his own political aspirations.  To Hitler, that couldn't be accepted.  To take care of Ernst and other threats to his authority, in 1934 a purge took place.  The "Night of the Long Knives" as it became to be known, at least 85 people, enemies and threats to Hitler's power and authority were murdered.

And Hitler consolidated more power into himself.  The remains of the SA and their subsidiary the SS were folded into government service.  The main SA forces became the rough bully boys again, enforcing the antisemitic pogroms which culminated in November 1938.  The "Night Of Broken Glass or Kristallnacht".  At least 91 jews were killed and over 30,000 were rounded up and sent to the camps.

Oh yeah the camps.  The camps that Hitlers started construction on shortly after he rose to power in 1933.  He was already putting into place his plans for the extermination of those who were not "pure" or German enough.

Those were his solution to all the problems of Germany.  Round up the dissenters, those who didn't fit in and get rid of them.  Out of sight, out of mind.

But after that, the SA was sidelined and they drifted into the State Police, the Gestapo and other arms of the government.

The SS on the other hand, was on the rise.  At first a small subset of the SA, only 30 men originally,  the SS was being formed into a separate elite force, the Waffen SS.  The armed protective forces of the SA became a completely separate army subordinate only to Hitler through it's chief Heinrich Himmler .  Not the German General Staff and the German Government.  Only to Hitler.  The SS ran the camps, they had their own armor divisions, infantry divisions, airborne divisions.  By the end of World War Two they had gone from 3 regiments to 38 divisions of men all of them swearing fealty to Adolf Hitler.  By wars end, the SS had more foriegn born troops from the conquered countries in it's makeup  than it did Germans.  They took in and Germanized them.

For many it was the only to to achieve advancement due to the stratification of the military and civilian populace.  A girls family wouldn't want their daughter to marry a grave digger, but if that grave digger joined the Waffen SS he was a soldat and one who could through hard work advance into the officer corps on his own achievement.  Thus breaking through the.stratification layer and entering "Genteel" society.  Whereas in the Wehrmacht, if he was not of noble blood or upper crust he could never achieve any rank beyond senior sergeant and the officer corps would be forbidden to them.

The SS as I wrote above, ran the Camps.  The camps that killed millions of people.  For no other reason than those people were considered to be sub-human.

But where does all this tie in with that link I posted above? And the links posted at that link?

Exhibit One: the link above that started this whole post.

Exhibit Two: Civilian Security Force

Obama wants his own Private Security Force.  One that doesn't answer to regular civilian authorities but to the office of the president.

Exhibit Three: Independent Payment Advisory Board, the "Rationing Board" or the "Death Panels"

Exhibit Four: Unions and their support against Obama's political foes.

Exhibit Five: The media and their refusal to do their job

Exhibit Six: All the various and numerous scandals in the Obama Administration

Exhibit Seven: The Budget, or lack thereof and the deficit

Exhibit Eight: Obama's Extralegal use of Executive Orders and ignoring the law

Exhibit Nine: The militarization of law enforcement - And many police departments are union refer to exhibit four.

Exhibit Ten: Law enforcement is not held accountable for it's actions and failures

Exhibit Eleven: Educators brainwashing and subverting our children

Taken all together and knowing history as I do through my own researches and discussions with people who survived living in Germany in World War Two, both ordinary Germans and Jewish people, what I see going on is very alarming.

Do your own research, don't take my word for it.  But don't ignore it either and hope it will go away.


  1. Good points... and he has basically three more years to 'implement' what ever he wants... sigh

  2. Obama and Hitler rule from the same point of view. Like all dictators, they view their world as me-centric. I'm sure the original SA members never believed that they would threaten to shift the center of gravity of their leader's world and in so doing, become expendable. In the same way, every Obama lieutenant and inner circle acolyte gets thrown under the bus when they threaten the center of gravity of Obama's world. Every tyrant needs a Praetorian guard who are loyal to him as a person rather than the foundational documents and concepts of their country. These people are willing to do anything because their actions are not limited by law. Back in his beer hall days, Hitler was considered a quaint kook by many. When the world turned against him much later, Hitler's Praetorian guard turned vicious. In the US, we have recently transited the beer hall days of Obama and the Praetorian guard is being reorganized. The more Obama feels threatened, the looser the chain will be held on the guardians.
    While these are scary times, there is no reason to despair. A friend of mine is the son of a Waffen SS colonel who told me some of his father's stories. The only people who his father feared were the Yugoslavian partisans, whom the Germans discovered they could not defeat. The partisans never relented, never quit and were quite unpredictable. We free men of American need to aspire to be such a force.

  3. When watching cable, remember that the little "H" in the corner of the screen stands for Hitler.


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