Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ammo Profiteers

I'm getting really tired of those guys who show up first thing in the morning before the ammo is put out and they wait for it to get stocked and they buy every last dreg of .22, .38, 9mm, .40 and .45ACP.  They then go home and put them on Gunbroker and other sites at outrageous prices.

I was lucky enough to be at the store the other day and was able to get 2 100 round boxes of .22LR.  Right as one of those individuals came literally running up saying "Those are mine!"  The clerk actually threatened to call the cops on this bozo and refused to sell him any ammo at all, asking him to leave.  After he left the clerk told me that he and another guy come in every tuesday and thursday morning when the ammo is delivered and buy up all the ammo.

It is people like that, that are the reason people like you and me can't find any ammo for ourselves. 

Is there any way we can shame those idiots and shun them?

Other than refusing to buy any ammo from them and there will always be some people who will buy what they have to sell creating the self fulfilling prophecy of an ammo shortage.

It's depressing and it means I haven't been able to take the kids shooting in over 2 months as I didn't have the ammo.

Well NOW I do.  So I'm going to let the kids shoot off 1 of those 100 round boxes next weekend if we don't get anymore rain.  While I do have a 4 wheel drive, I shouldn't have to use it just to get to where we shoot on the other property.

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