Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blue wrote something very important

and evidently I missed it while I was recovering from the drive to pick up my daughter.

If you haven't read his post on the current state of America.  I cannot strongly enough urge you to do so.

"The one thing that you have to remember is that the force that they will ultimately have to use against us is made up of our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, our grandchildren...  It is made up of our neighbors and friends, their sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, their grandchildren...  These are the people who played games in our yards when they were themselves children.  The kids who had milk and cookies in the kitchen with our kids after school.  The kids who participated in Friday night sleepovers and watched Saturday morning cartoons in our living rooms."

Very seriously, you need to read that.  You need to link to it if you have a blog.  You need to e-mail the link to that to all of you friends and family.

After you read it you will understand why you need to share this far and wide.

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