Thursday, October 31, 2013

Can we please get Lois Lerner in front of a Grand Jury now?

"The public watchdog group Judicial Watch told Secrets Thursday that it was former scandal boss Lois Lerner who shared the information on groups including the American Future Fund and the American Issues Project.

The emails obtained by Judicial Watch show that the IRS, which was considering the tax status of the groups, gave the FEC the tax returns of the groups, including income, expenditures and staff pay. The emails also revealed the exact working of the prying political questions the IRS wanted the groups to reveal, such as their goals and the requests for brochures and ads."

Those e-mails are proof that Lois Lerner violated federal law.  Not once but multiple times.  As such she needs to brought up in front of a Grand Jury  to answer for the crimes there is now PROOF she committed.

And no deals, she needs to serve time, and not in Club Fed.

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