Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Concealed Carry in Mississippi

"The Mississippi Supreme Court took the case on interlocutory appeal, and rendered a unanimous decision on August 29, upholding House Bill 2. The Supreme Court’s decision was quite terse, leading the reader to infer that either: a. The Supreme Court found the trial court’s reasoning so persuasive that the Supreme Court could not engage it, or b. The Supreme Court fund the trial court’s reasoning so ridiculous that the Supreme Court chose not to waste time refuting it in detail.

Either way, the result marks one more way in Mississippi has decided to discard a legal remnant of Jim Crow, and to instead, in the words of the late Hubert Humphrey, “walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights.”

The lengths that some of the old Southern Democrats went to, to ensure that blacks and undesirable people be denied the us of Arms to protect themselves, simply boggles the mind.

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