Saturday, October 5, 2013

President Petulant

is shutting down hundreds if not thousands of parks, boat ramps and any other thing he can that is in any way connected to federal spending.  He is doing it in a vindictive sense to make this shutdown which is HIS and the Democrats in the Senate's fault.  Why you may ask?  So people like me and you get upset and will start pressuring the Republicans in the House and the Senate to pass the bill the the Democrats want.

President Petulant wants to make this shutdown hurt.  He wants it to hurt so that people who are opposed to him politically and ideologically have their political capitol reduced and spent.

All of this leads up to the Debt Ceiling vote coming up.  President Petulant wants a "Clean Bill" that gives him everything he wants, and he wants a "Clean" Debt Ceiling extension that takes us past the 2014 elections.

All so he and his compatriots don't have to answer tough questions come election time to aide his party in their attempt to take back the House and maintain control of the Senate.

So point out every occurrence of President Petulant making this shutdown hurt.  And point out where it is only to hurt us, not him.  Like the Golf Courses that should be shut down but aren't.  Like the White House Travel Office that should be shut down but isn't.  The Park Service Rangers who are supposed to be furloughed but aren't

And Let us all call President Petulant what he is.

Petulant Child.

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