Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Some Links

Veteran Wants Flag Vandals To Take Responsibility For Crime   If these boys or their families don't step up, the police need to step in and the Vet needs to file charges.

Will Insurance Companies Use Smart Appliances to Monitor “Unhealthy” Habits? Oh Heck No. No more intrusions into our lives.  What's next?  The .GOV is going to require you to buy these RFID and WiFi capable appliances?  And if you don't they are going to fine you just like the are with ObamaCare/Affordable Care Act?

Security Check Now Starts Long Before You Fly What's next? You have to file an Itinerary before you drive to the store or work?  Get approval before you drive off with your kids on vacation to the theme park in the next state?

Immigration activist groups have declared they will launch a "week of escalation" this week to pressure lawmakers in Congress with acts of civil disobedience to pass comprehensive immigration reform this year.
How about this. You law breakers go home and file the paperwork to enter this country legally and get in line behind the thousands of people who are doing it legally.  Also notice who is involved in this.  George Soros...

Exclusive: White House Official Fired for Tweeting Under Fake Name He was critical of his bosses and it took the NSA How long to find him? Or was he a plant or throwaway?

90,609,000: Americans Not in Labor Force Climbs to Another Record How does Obama plan to pay for his programs? Oh, I forgot, he'll just borrow it from China. Oops China isn't having anymore of that. So where is he going to get the $$ to pay for his programs? I know. He'll just have the Fed print him some more money.

The Big Takeaway From the September Jobs Report: The Economy Is Stalling
Notice that they delay the report because of the shutdown? They needed the time to figure out how to spin the numbers.

Thousands Of Consumers Get Insurance Cancellation Notices Due To Health Law Changes If you like your health insurance and your Dr you can keep them.

Congress to close down, fly Air Force planes to Florida for funeral of Rep. C.W. Bill Young I'm sorry but they can fly commercial just like everyone else. In Coach Class, not business or first class.

Krokodil use reportedly spreading: What makes dangerous drug so addictive? This is just my personal opinion, but if you are caught with this stuff in your possession you should just be shot. A rumor I've heard from Russia says that this is exactly what the Russian FSB is doing to people making or selling this stuff. Just stand them up and put a bullet in their brain.

Boehner calls for briefing on ObamaCare after HHS 'snub' Declined? Sebelius "Declined" to speak to congress? Who the H**l does she think she is? Oh that's right, since Lois Lerner refused to answer questions and took the Fifth, the Administration officials think they are immune from the repercussions of their actions.

IRS pays illegal immigrants $4.2 billion while stalling Tea Parties This is just ONE of the reason the IRS needs to be abolished.

Army chief: Just 2 brigades combat-ready Isn't the Army supposed to have 4 Brigades ready for Combat Operation at ALL times? One on each coast, one in Europe and one in the Korea/Japan area? Or is that my 1985 Basic Training class memory?

“If it’s supposedly free and cheaper and it’s going to be the best thing since sliced bread, why do we have to convince people to go buy it?” Rand Paul on why Liberals have no idea how Capitalism works.

"A federal judge on Tuesday refused to dismiss a case that could fatally cripple the Obamacare health insurance law.

The Affordable Care Act forbids the federal government from enforcing the law in any state that opted out of setting up its own health care exchange, according to a group of small businesses whose lawsuit got a key hearing Monday in federal court"
In other words, if the states didn't set up the exchanges the Feds aren't allowed to set up their own and offer the subsidies.  If this case goes forward and the Court finds for the plaintiffs, ObamaCare could be over as it cannot get enough people enrolled to actually offer insurance.

A television host on Etejah TV in Iraq grew so frustrated by the technical difficulties plaguing his interview that he seemingly lost faith in prospect for democracy in the Arab world. At least he is being honest. I pray that he doesn't suffer any flashback for his words and I hope to see him on the air again.

Taliban extremists have kidnapped more than 100 children from Afghanistan and Pakistan in the last year to use for suicide missions against government officials and U.S. troops still fighting in the region
And yet Islam is the Religion of Peace.

Violent Canadian pedophile who police were powerless to arrest after he fled to Seattle is finally taken into custody after 'raping American boy in alleyway'
Why isn't this front page news all across the US? Could it be because this doesn't help the Gay Rights Community? I have no problem with Gays getting hitched, what I do have a problem with is them trying to force their lifestyle and opinions down my throat. A large portion of America feels the same way. We don't CARE what you do in your own home, just don't do it in front of us and our kids.

Youth baseball coach 'repeatedly filmed himself raping two boys and had 450 sexual photos of his Little League players' Another you probably haven't heard or seen on the news. Once again, WHY isn't this all over the news? Ask yourself that?

Double dip for furloughed workers: Thousands will get to keep back-pay AND unemployment checks after being sent home for shutdown
Uhhh No. This is why our country is in the financial trouble it is in. Also why do I have to go to a news agency OUTSIDE of the US to find these stories?

Website programmers KNEW there were problems with the Obamacare site but government testers gave it the green light All the more reason to shut it down and make the company pay back every DIME plus pay for it's replacement.

IRS paid more than $110B in improper tax credits Once again, the IRS needs to be abolished

Ahoy, mateys! US to stop printing nautical charts More false cookie cutter savings. I know many fisherman who DON'T use GPS. Simply because they can't afford them. they are living hand to mouth and trying to get a good price for their catch. So they rely on paper charts usually old ones given to them by other fisherman. If this goes through I expect there will be an increase in fishing boat accidents.
Here’s Why Eating Bambi May Be the Best Thing for Deer Habitats If the population could be monitored properly, commercial hunting could be good for both nature and the economy.

Democrats Exaggerate Shutdown Costs Once again Democrats Lie through their teeth to sway opinions.
Analysis: No answers for Chicago's pension ills as mayor prepares budget Maybe get rid of the Unions Sweetheart deals. Maybe then you can balance your budget.

The Supersessionists of the Liberal ConfederacyVery interesting reading which puts some questions free in my head.

Welcome To USSA! Look at BOTH of the links. Seriously. You really need to read them.

The International Monetary Fund Lays The Groundwork For Global Wealth Confiscation In other words there isn't enough privately held wealth to pay for the various Governments spending. So they will take it all and maybe they'll give you dribs or drabs.

An NHS free at the point of use could soon be a thing of the past, officials warn So they rammed their free health care down everyone's throats, and then the reality took hold. and now they can't pay for it. Sounds Prophetic.

Revealed: How GPs are paid £50 bonus to put elderly on 'death lists' Coming soon to America via ObamaCare/Affordable Care Act. Is your mother or father on the list?

University: Racist IDF Soldiers Won't Rape Palestinian Women
Or maybe it's because they actually have scruples and respect the laws of war?

CNBC: The Place For Terrible Stock Advice And Not So Subtle Bigotry—BenK
And yet the Right, Conservatives, TeaParty and Republicans are Racist. Huh..

ACA, Unintended Consequences, and You - [tsrblke] The more I read about ObamaCare and the Affordable Care Act (Yes, I know they are one and the same, some people don't) the less I like it and liken it to the UK's worst parts of their National Healthcare System.

Another Journalist Joins the Obama Administration Is it any wonder the media gives President Petulant's Administration a pass? They all want a job and guaranteed pension.

Bloomberg To Buy Election For Anti-Gunner
You would think after Colorado he would have learned his lesson. But that man has more money than sense.

Special Needs Puppy: Make Me A Match I know money is very tight but a very special puppy needs some help and a family with the finances to help it. If I had the funds I take her in a heartbeat. But with 7 of my own kids then 7 canine kids and 3 feline kids I can't afford it. If your pocketbook is deep enough, will your heart be deep enough for her?

Remember that gutsy “Islam is filth” French woman who stood up to a Muslim bully the other day in Paris? Well, three Muslim associations have filed criminal complaints against her for insulting their faith. (Her ‘insults’ were in reference to barbaric halal slaughter) Since when is it illegal to say your opinion? Oh yeah right. This is in France. Never mind.

Geneva Conference moves toward criminalizing ‘Islamophobia’ in America Excuse me sirs. But only American Law applies to America. Even if you DO have President Petulant's and Hillary Clinton's blessing.

I didn't know that many of my friends may be terrorists! You need to read Peter's take on the "Arsenal" idea of being a domestic threat if you own too many firearms.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear . . . Peter also discusses the coming financial meltdown.

15% of young people, age 16 to 24, are not going to school or working Oooohhh, this is rather disturbing. Especially with what I know about young people with no direction in their lives. Then there is John Stewart's take AGAIN.

Wise... Very Wise. Thank you to Blue for posting it.

Obama administration working to fix ACA website issues Oh Good a new Czar, this one to fix another of President Petulant's screwups.

The futility of the NSA's data monitoring program But Of Course!!! and to be followed by;

Do your part to help the NSA! Borepatch can really write.

Hmm… Can we have Obama give Kathleen Sebelius a commission as a general officer? Because maybe then he’d fire her.
That's all, but the link does go to XBRADTC's page.

Where did Carteach go? Reminder, Carteach might be taking his blog down, if you want any of his excellent articles ranging from firearms tech to self defense and personal training get it while you can.

U. Arizona Prof. Tells Students Fox News Viewers are Ignorant LESS INFORMED! Less? Hmm let's see, I watch Fox News, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, listen to NPR, Fox Radio, and a whole slew of other media sources to try to find out what the actual FACTS are. Meanwhile Associate Professor Pat Willerton probably only watches MSNBC or CNN. And yet "I" am ignorant. Here's an idea Professor Willerton. Let's compare my personal library with yours. I have in my personal library 3 sets of Brittanica going back to a 1947 edition up to a 2007 set, a set of Grolier World Books, a New World Set, I have just in my own house 7 set of Encyclopedias, and they are all used often. I have an original set of the Lincoln Library books. I have texts going back to the 1904 Worlds Fair that have been in my family since they were printed. My personal library is so large most of it is actually at my mothers house because it won't fit in mine. And I use it. On several of my computers I have a digital library that includes a 1936 set of Britannica, the collected works of Plato, Homer, Sophocles and many others. And yet "I" am ignorant. When the students you teach cannot even pass a General Equivalency Degree Exam. And you are allowed to teach?

Indiana HS Posts Banner Warning Students Not to Have More than Two Children Once again Population Control rears it's head. I've harped on it often enough but if you do your own research and I do mean research, you will find this all goes back to Margaret Sanger and her supporters.

Titanium Beretta 93R – None Before It None To Come
SWEEEEET!! I'd love to be able to shoot that just one or two mag fulls.

Recovery update Everything President Petulant does, just makes it worse. But the media will never print the truth.

And I cried…. I swear I cried. Teh Stoopid, it Burnz

And they think we are paranoid and extremists Which Colorado? Or Texas?

Thoughts: Very Good Points.

Oregon launching new program to tax drivers per mile So now they can track everywhere you go, and pay you a bonus for not driving, when they could be spending the money to repair the infrastructure they were supposed to be spending on in the first place. Did that make sense?

Better To Not Protest the NSA Than To Hold Hands With Libertarians, Says Progressive Scribbler OH The Humanity!! Because they don't believe in the same things you do they must be abolished and belittled!! Do the Leftists and Progressives realize just how childish and petty they sound like? Just like President Petulant.

Fracking for Geothermal Heat Instead of Gas Count down until the Leftists start screaming... 10, 9, 8

Obamacare Site for Spanish Speakers Has Never Worked That's Racist!!!

The Eight Biggest Falsehoods in Obama’s Rose Garden Speech He has to lie and spin it. If the actual cluster fornication becomes known his own supported may actually go after him.

Hey, remember the fierce moral urgency of invading Syria? What happened to that? Hey! It got the IRS and NSA Scandals off the front page. It served it's purpose.

Bills would let more officials carry concealed guns in restricted places Some people are more equal the others.

Obama’s fingerprints all over IRS Tea Party scandal Is anyone surprised? I mean even a little?

Trabantcare Actually I want a Trabant. No, seriously. I really would like to get a Trabant.


A little gift to a good friend And the Obama Administration says? chirp chirp chirp.

Well Isn't This Special... Yup Jay has it right. If the Dems and the leftist can paint with a broad brush, so can we. Let's turn it back on the Dems.

Stories That Make You Go WHAAAA???? You're kidding me, right? The FedGov gone amok. Why bureaucrats aren't being tarred and feathered I have no idea.

Heh: Jay Carney says White House cooperates with ‘legitimate’ congressional oversight Who decides what is legitimate? The White House? Or Congress?

The Trick Well said Sir. And you're welcome down here anytime you wish.

They’re bacckkk!!! At least until President Petulant has his next conniption fit.

I’d call this persistence… Ooh ooh ooh!! I wanna ride!!!!!

I Had No Idea Opposing The Tea Party Meant Celebrating Ignorance About Free Speech Read the comments on this one. Very thought provoking.

All Across The Country, Prenda Law's Rubble Is Getting Bounced Oh the hilarity of Copyright Trolls. As the kid of an attorney I find this absolutely hilarious just how Prenda has dug itself into a hole.

Update On Lawfare And The Popehat Signal: Brett Kimberlin's New RICO Case Brett Kimberlin's Jailhouse Lawyer routine is about to hurt him royally.

Interesting How many Federal laws are being broken there?

Wayne LaPierre: Junk science drives administration’s gun policies Kinda Like Climate Change

"Counting On" Fines, Fees In Chicago, Speed Cameras and Redlight Cameras are Revenue Enhancers.

A Woodpecker Control Bleg A water gun filled with water and capsaicin?

You may think TIA is a failure… Actually I thought he meant a Transient Ischemic Attack.

Obama Admin Pitifully Tries To Spin Obamacare Failures On Twitter And how much are they spending for the twitter campaign?

The Name Is Bondish -- Iver Bondish Hey, I'm Jealous!! I want one.

What do you think?

Some Gloomy Thoughts About Our Current Fix Does President Petulant have a SAG card?

The AK-47 & The Man In The Bowler Hat Some pictures from the first war, where the AK was used on both sides.

O’REILLY GOES THERE: Accuses Democrats of Pushing Communism in America (Video) FINALLY! It only took HOW long?

Democrat Bob Beckel: “I Got a Call from Somebody at the White House…” After Criticizing O-Care (Video)
Do you think maybe he'll rethink his political persuasion?

Unreal!… Obamacare Website Crashed in Testing With Only ‘Few Hundred People’ Trying to Log On
So they knew in advance the website wasn't ready for Primetime and they went with it anyway. How typical.

UK Taxpayers Foot £350,000 Bill For Muslim Parents To Remove Daughter's Pubic Hair No wonder the NHS is going broke and will soon start charging for services.

Sandcrawler PSA: If They Who Wrote the Software Don't Trust It If they don't trust it, why are they forcing it on us?

If this doesn't make you sick... Eeewww, just.... NO!

Obama Claims Ignorance of Failure Despite IG’s Clear Warnings in August Believe of it as you may.

Pro-Pedophile Author: ‘How Dare You Call Me a Pro-Pedophile Author?!’ If the shoe fits... Also this guy used to educate our children. If THAT is not scary, then you aren't a parent.

Techy Tuesday - Aluminum Armor Interesting. I wonder how it would do for up armoring civilian vehicles.

CAPITOL UPDATE: W.H. Staff Pushing Back Against Jarrett Over Sebelius Resignation? The wheels are coming off the bus. GOOD!

Third Circuit Requires Warrant for GPS Monitoring and Limits Good-Faith Exception in United States v. Katzin
More on the need for a warrant to use a GPS tracker by the authorities.

‘Two countries’ Alamo speech validated by ‘progressive’ rhetoric (Video) Progressives are the ones making the death threats, not Rightists.

30th anniversary of the attack on Beirut Marine barracks Under their disastrous ROE's they were not allowed to load live ammunition in their weapons. They were not allowed to defend themselves. And our troops today are operating under the same ROE's. I pray we don't see another attack like this one.

I'd love one in .357 Magnum.

Sobering Statistics How many morewill have to go on the government rolls?

Cheap theater Will this be a staple at all of his "Performances"?

Before She Can Lead, She MUST Be Held Accountable YES! She must be held accountable for her actions or lack thereof.

Wait, wait... Did he just call me "vituperative"? I believe he did.

Setting the record straight I think Mr. Yon needs to get competent psychiatric help.

what laws do Yup, There are hundreds of thousands of laws on the books. and yet people violate them every day.

New Obamacare Glitch: Website Giving Users Wrong Prices, Displays Dramatically Underestimated Premium…
Oh Look. They have to misdirect people more before they get the sticker shock.

14 Planned Parenthood Organizations Are Obamacare Navigators Uhhmm isn't there like a law against that?

See What Prices On Are BEFORE Subsidies Ooohhh, that's gotta hurt.

Unreal: Top HHS Officials To Brief Only Congressional Democrats On Obamacare Rollout Mess…
Why, you would think someone is having a tantrum.

And it's been happening all over the nation. Shutting out the Libertarian, Constitution, Green and other parties.

Quote of the Day: Joan Peterson Hasn't this woman realized just how stupid she sounds when she spouts her vile uninformed invective?

Our latest mountain lion Not even after some people have been killed or severely mauled.

Oh Hey Look!! I went through my entire news and blogroll. It only took me errr I don't want to say. But alot of time.

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