Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Religion of Peace, Slavery and Pedophilia

"More than a dozen Muslim clerics at some of the biggest mosques in Britain have been caught on camera agreeing to marry off girls as young as 14.

Undercover reporters filming a documentary about the prevalence of forced and underage marriage in Britain for the television program ITV Exposure secretly recorded 18 Muslim imams agreeing to perform an Islamic marriage, known as a nikah, between a 14-year-old girl and an older man."

According to Sharia, if a girl has reached puberty, she can be married.

Do you have daughters?  How old were they when they had their first menstrual cycle?  Mine?  13, 12, and 11 in no particular order.

Do you think they were old enough to get married then?

According to Sharia Law they are.

Then let's talk about slavery.

"The French invasion of Northern Mali, liberating towns and villages under Islamist rule, was a historical echo of the original French emancipation of Tuareg slaves back in the colonial period. Despite French efforts, the Tuareg did their best to hang on to their slaves and Muslim Tuareg still continue to hold thousands of slaves in Northern Mali."

And that's just in Mali.  If you look around on the net you can find reports of slavery in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Somalia, Jordan, Syria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Monrovia, Liberia, Nigeria, need I continue?

All places where either Islam is in charge or is the large portion of the population.

And yet Islam is the Religion of Peace.

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