Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Weird things

Ok for the last few days, since I posted the screen shots of the DOJ visiting my blog, strange things have been happening.

People who I sent SMS Messages to months ago through Yahoo Messenger, get the messages sent to them again.  My router is getting pinged so bad doing my blogroll or watching a video on youtube is almost impossible.  The lighted keys on both of my cell phones will briefly flash for a second and the batteries go dead in about an hour even if I'm not using them.  E-mails I send to myself go through in 30 seconds or less.  E-mails to my mother or my daughters takes hours to appear, some still haven't.  My netbook flat out refuses to sign in to my own home network even though I've reset the adapter and re-entered the network password over a dozen times.  It won't connect through WiFi and it has only connected when plugged in once and now it refuses to connect.  Yet it works perfectly at my neighbors and other places.  I have a very unusual hum on the wired housephone and a very annoying buzz on the cordless one, even after installing a new DSL filter.  It takes 10 to 15 minutes for a text message to go through on both my cell phones.  My E-mail client has been hanging on me requiring me to switch over to my open task manager and shut it down and then reopen it several times.  And my e-mails take over 30 minutes to be downloaded or to send.

There is a bunch of other things, but I think I annoyed someone.

My response?


I am documenting everything and I got ahold of a friend of mine who in his military career the No Such Agency tried to recruit twice.  I can't say who he works for now but he is putting out some feelers for me.  I'm not going to tell anyone what he finds out, but he did tell me I may have to go offline for a few days depending on what he found.  He doesn't think it's necessary now, but if I do go quiet don't worry about it.  If it's more than 3 or 4 days there are several bloggers who have ways of contacting me if necessary.

And for someone who is thinking, "Well now you told them you have someone looking around for you."

I was told to write this up by my friend.  He wants them to know he will be looking around so he doesn't set off their alarms unnecessarily.  He said he doesn't want to deal with the hassle of testifying at their Internal Review or writing it up through "Retrograde Channels".

He thinks I annoyed someone and they're being petty about it, so by posting this it gives them notice they might want to follow their protocols before higher becomes officially aware of what they are doing. 

Either that or or some /b/diots are messing with me because of some of the stuff I write.  He gives this only a 20% chance but he said it does exist.

So for the next few days if my posts are a leet le byte lyte you understand.  I'm going to setup up a post if I have to go offline I can post it real quick.


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