Monday, October 28, 2013

Where did it go?

67 Million dollars missing.  Read that again Sixty-Seven MILLION dollars is missing.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The IRS is unable to account for $67 million spent from a slush fund established for Obamacare implementation, according to a Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) report released today. 

Why isn't this the leading story on all the networks?  Oh that's right, it doesn't bleed and it actually makes President Petulant's Administration look even more corrupt.

More on the story:

Hoo boy…this isn’t going to go over well.

The IRS has seen its summer from hell extended into autumn, as a report issued today by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) revealed that the Service cannot account for $67 million that was set aside in a slush fund to help pay for Obamacare.

So the IRS who is supposed to ensure that the implementation of ObamaCare goes off without a catch can't even keep track of which accounts are charged for what.

Which just makes me feel so good about their ability to actually do their job.

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