Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Arming TSA Agents? Bad Idea...

"Friday’s slaying of a Transportation Security Administration officer at Los Angeles International Airport is fueling calls from union leaders to give some of the agency’s employees guns, handcuffs and the power to make arrests."

Note it is the UNION which is trying to get the TSA Agents armed and with the power of arrest.

I've met many TSA Agents.  With my own history and experience in law enforcement, over half of the TSA Agents I've met shouldn't even have the responsibility to tie their own shoes.

Many many years ago when I was working security in St. Louis City and County, there were many people I worked with who had the "Tin God Complex"

If you aren't familiar with the "Tin God Complex" let me acquaint you.

As a Security "Officer" in the State of Missouri, I carried a firearm, handcuffs, pepper spray, a night stick, a expandable baton and many other implements.  I had the power of legal arrest while I was on duty.  I was not a "Guard" I could and did arrest many people.

In my 10 years of working security and as an auxiliary with a municipal police department, I only drew my weapon in the line of duty maybe 5 or 6 times.  The only time I fired it, except n the firing range, was to put a dog out of it's misery after it had been run over by the metrolink train.

Many of the men and women I worked with, used any excuse to draw their weapon.  They used their authority to mess with people, arresting them for simply "Disrespecting" them.  HAving vehicles towed because they felt like it.  And if the person tried to complain, almost everyone of them had the same reaction.  Hand on their weapon and they start using their index finger to poke them in the chest.  Berating them.

They were little "Tin God" because of the badge on their chest and the authority their license, pinned to their shirt pocket gave them..

Many police officer have the same complex.  Many didn't get into law enforcement to help others.  They got in because of money and the authority to carry a gun.

For them it is a power trip.  I'm sure you've seen plenty of Youtube videos of police officers going off the deep end and exerting their authority like horses hind ends.

Now multiply that by the number of TSA Agents.

And you now know why arming TSA Agents is a BAD idea.

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