Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Believe It Or Not-from the inbox

Trivial facts you just had to know. 

File photo of a polar bear (ÿýÿý Goldstein/Getty Images) 
File photo of a Lego shelves (ÿýÿýScarff/Getty Images) 
File photo of the US flag on the moon (ÿýÿýFeatures) 
File photo of a blue whale (ÿýÿýa Barton/Reuters)File photo   of an abandoned house (ÿýÿýcca Cook/Reuters) 
File photo of a baboon & a puppy (ÿýÿýFeatures) 
File photo of a radar dome (ÿýÿýFeatures) 
File photo of Neptune (ÿýÿýy Images) 
File photo of Pluto (ÿýÿýFeatures) 
File photo of an ant (ÿýÿýFeatures) 
File photo of a CT scan (ÿýÿýFeatures) 
File photo of a tea bag (ÿýÿýFeatures) 
File photo of a chess game (ÿýÿý)File photo of a statue of Alexander the   Great (ÿýÿýam   Ibrahim/Getty Images) 
File photo of Mumbai (ÿýÿýsh Swarup/AP) 
File photo of a dragonfly (ÿýÿý Souders/Corbis) 
Portrait of President John Tyler (ÿýÿý 
File photo of a woman's ear (ÿýÿýFeatures)File photo of a man playing Powerball (ÿýÿýin Sullivan/Getty Images)File photo   of Psy (ÿýÿýles Sykes/AP) 
File photo of Moscow (ÿýÿýey Rudakov/Getty Images)File photo of a shrimp (ÿýÿýis) 
File photo of the universe   (ÿýÿý 
File photo of a map of Texas (ÿýÿýy Images) 
File photo of Maudie White (ÿýÿýy   Johnston/AP) 
File photo of 2 Coke cans (ÿýÿýr Macuch/AP)

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