Saturday, November 23, 2013

You know that error prone, buggy, insecure government website that wants all of you personal identifiable information?

Yeah, that one.

There was an easy version of it.  One that would have allowed you to shop for an insurance program without entering you Social Security Number, Birthdate, home address, and all that stuff that Identity Thieves would just LURVE to get their hands on.

And they took it out just days before launching the main site.

Ace has the skinny.

Obama Officials, Get This, Lied About Reason For Dropping Customer-Friendly Part of

And to top it off, California is REJECTING, President Petulants 'Fix'.

DrewM over at Ace's has the low down on that.

California Rejects Obama's Magical "Fix" for Cancelled Policies. 1 Million Set To Lose Coverage On January 1

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