Saturday, November 2, 2013

I had to buy a new cellphone yesterday

I had finally had enough of my old Samsung Gravity 3not receiving text messages, or calls, they keys not working right, suddenly finding out I have 3 voice mails when the phone didn't even ring.  Constantly turning itself off then back on.

So I broke down an bought a "Smart Phone".  I bought an inexpensive T-mobile ZTE Concord V768 running Android.  Now I have an inexpensive Chinese Android Tablet and I like it for doing my word search and reading books through the Kindle App or the Aldiko App. However my tablet has a 7" screen.  We'll see how this 3.5" screen phone does.

I can tell you right now the touch screen is already driving me nuts as I have rather large fingers and unless I turn the phone sideways to change the direction of the keyboard, any precision is just an illusion.

Right now I'm swapping files around to replace the 4GB Micro SD card with one of my spare 8GB Micro SD cards.

We'll see how it goes. 

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