Sunday, November 3, 2013

In the name of security? Or in the name of tracking us?

"NEW YORK — Alarmed by the use of hard-to-track prepaid cell phones by terror suspects, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and Texas Sen. John Cornyn have introduced legislation requiring consumers to produce identification before buying such phones."

I know quite a few people who don't WANT the government or anyone else to know about their cell phones.  A few are guys cheating on their wives, others are like me.  "What concern is it of the Government if I have a cell phone or not."

The government already collect too much information about us ordinary citizens, they don't need to collect more.

Now someone is going to say, "If you aren't doing anything wrong why worry?"

They are missing the point.  I have a right and a reasonable expectation of privacy.  If the Government knows which cell phone is mine, they could use it to track me or they could activate the microphone on the phone and listen to my personal, private conversations even if the phone is turned off.

That's too much.

If the government wants to surveil me they had better have a warrant based on probable cause.  Not just because they think they need to know for "Security".  I"m sorry, but Security isn't worth the violation of my personal Rights.

H/t Kenny

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