Thursday, November 21, 2013

Would anyone like 30,000 lbs of mostly pure lead?

Or how about a portion of it?  Would you like some pure lead for you casting needs?

With the discussions of the Doe Run Herculaneum Smelter being shut down, inexpensive lead may become a thing of the past.  Right now through my association with a group in Corpus Christi I know were there is 30,000 lbs of lead in 80 lbs ingots available for purchase.  The current spot price I just looked up at Kitco, is 0.9394.

Now this lead is being sold to help with a very important and historical restoration project.

Would you be willing to pay $1.25 a lb for an 80 lb ingot to help restore a piece of history?

At Ace hardware they are selling a 5 lbs ingot of lead for $18.99 for FIVE POUNDS.  That is $3.789 a pound.

You can get 80 lbs for $100.00

Now there is no shipping on these unless you wanted to pay for it, and there is THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS available in 80 pound ingots.

If you are interested leave a comment here on this post.  I have it set so that anonymous commentors can comment, the comments will still need to be moderated though.

This is for a registered charity and NO I don't know if this could be considered tax deductible.  If you are a Texas Blogger and are willing to trust me to hold your ingot/s if you do buy one/some I am willing to pick them up and hold on to it/them so you can come pick them up.  My little truck only will hold 800 lbs though.  Just a warning.

This deal is NOT set in stone.  I am trying to help out a charity and get a piece of history restored.  Since I hope to get a few ingots for myself also if there still are some in January if my budget will take the hit.

So if you are interested LEAVE A COMMENT- DO NOT E-MAIL ME.  I WILL NOT RESPOND TO AN E-MAIL.  LEAVE A COMMENT.  And if you run a scrap business and want to buy the whole thing all in one fell swoop leave a comment as well.  As long as the charity gets a decent bit over spot, I'm sure they would be willing to negotiate.

I'd like to get an interest in at least a few thousand dollars committed, to make it worth the charity's time and mine.


  1. yeah, I 'd be interested.

    Mayhaps you can find people in an area and someone can come get it?

    I'm near chicago, fer instance. I have a pickup. Could carry about 2000 lbs of lead. so if enough folks from the ara wanted to participate, could drive and get a bunch and share the fuel cost.

  2. I'm definitely interested, for myself and others. Please contact me to discuss.


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