Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Communication or

That may be what you said but not what you meant.

"My personal reasons for owning firearms include hunting and competition" is something that I think is a pretty reasonable statement.  How could anyone ever take that out of context?

But what someone who suffers from hoplophobia hears is, "I enjoy killing stuff and competing against other people who enjoy killing stuff so much I don't care if busloads of nuns taking orphans to visit the elderly are mowed down by psychotic felons who escaped from maximum security mental institutions!"

They hear or read one thing, but their own pre and/or misconceptions, make it so they don't comprehend what they are hearing or reading.  And it's somehow the other persons fault, not theirs even if you can prove what you said or wrote.

They refuse to acknowledge that they may be in any way, shape or form "wrong".

So click on that link and go read about the undiagnosed and untreated, mental disorders that certain people suffer from.

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