Monday, December 30, 2013

Don't let them

Please if you blog, link to the story I excerpt below.  Lets get this out as far and wide aswe can.  It seriously needs to be publicized.

"In case you don't know the full extent of GLAAD's fascism, let me tell you what GLAAD did to me.

I won't hyperlink this, but if you go to GLAAD's website and seek out their "commentator accountability project," you will find my name. This is GLAAD's blacklist. Within hours of GLAAD's publication of my addition to the list, which amounts to an excommunication from polite society, an e-mail was sent to the president of my university, along with dozens of other high officials in California, with the announcement: ROBERT OSCAR LOPEZ PLACED ON GLAAD WATCH LIST.

The e-mail stated clearly that as a result of my being placed on this list, I would never get a direct interview in the United States. (Whoever "they" are, they made good on the threat, because when I was brought onto Al Jazeera, they made sure that I was the only one critical of gay adoption, versus two hosts and two other panelists who were for it, and the host cut my microphone.)"

Please read that post. And if you blog, link it. If youo don't blog but have a Facebook account, post it there yourself. Please let's get the hypocrisy of the Leftists and GLADD out there.

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