Thursday, December 5, 2013

It would be nice if the person, persons or agency

messing with my computer if they would stop it.

When my computer suddenly starts making a click sound through the speakers, the firefox plugin container suddenly loads where there is nothing on the page I'm on which requires it, and then my security programs start going apes**t telling me that my firewall is getting hammered and scripts are trying to authorize themselves which my security programs won't allow without asking for permission first, I know someone is trying to get into my computer.

Would you PLEASE stop it.

It's annoying.

ETA: I am having to update this through my phone who whowver it was was also trying to  access.

90 seconds or so after i posted this the first whovere they are tried to nuke my system.  I found out how they got in and I am very disappointed with Yahoo's security protocols if someone can use their updater program to invade peoples computers. 

I am now cleaning up my main system from where whoever it was tried to be cute.  Seriously? Renaming system32.exe? And flipping 2 of my registry keys?

If you guys would report your exploit to Yahoo they would probably pay you for the heads up.  Instead all you have done is annoy me and waste my time.

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