Friday, December 6, 2013

Just got 2 Cold Steel Riflemans Tomahawks

Just got the two of these I ordered from Amazon. Right away, the handles are too smooth, don't fit the head properly and I will need to use some rough sandpaper to rough them up and I probably will drill the handle to put in a lanyard after I get some more leather lace.

The head is very loose and the set screws had to go.

I flipped the handle and tapped the heads back on and they are much tighter now, but I will still get out the files and hand fit the head to fit the handles properly.

The painted on finish also HAS TO GO!. I'll get out the wire wheel and get all the paint off the heads, then I'll just lightly oil them including the inside of the head with some transmission fluid.

The edge needs to be touched up a bit, then angle of the grind is just a little bit off, but nothing a few minutes with a good file can't fix.

I've got two cheapo sheaths on order, but I will probably order some scrap leather from Tandy with the leather lace to make a decent sheath for them.

I have one of the cheapo SOG Tomahawks and it's only good for making kindling for the fire, these after I get done with them should make good camping tools.

Once I get the handles fitting correctly, I'll see how well balanced they are for throwing, but that isn't the main reason I bought them.

The main reason is they can be used for camping, the heads can be easily removed and used as a hand tool where the head on the SOG tomahawk cannot be.

With a decent sheath and a belt frog, this can be carried and used for a lot of small camp tasks.

If you want to order one for your self click the link below.  And no I don't get anything for posting this.

Amazon Cold Steel Rifleman's Hawk

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