Thursday, December 19, 2013

Out of town

From Blue

Fiction Or is it the Future?

I normally don't like his vids, but he hits the nail on the head with this.

Indiana hero teen killed in shooting

I blame Hollywood for this. Did you notice he tried to get everyone to say the gun fell on the table and went off? Hollywood is ALWAYS showing gun being dropped and going off. EEEHHHHHH Sorry, but today, most guns you could take a sledgehammer to the back of the hammer on a loaded pistol and it STILL wouldn't go off. All manufacturers weapons, pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotgun MUST pass a "Drop Test". That is where a weapon is intentionally dropped to try to make the sear fail and allow the hammer to fall or the firing pin/striker to release. It's been that way since the 60's at the very least, possibly even further back.  And yet there is Hollywood, drop a gun and off it goes.  The truth of the matter is that when firearms DO discharge from being dropped, it is because the person who dropped it tried to catch it.  THAT is what cause it to go off.

Now because of stupidity a beautiful young lady has lost her life, and a young man thought he could get away with killing her because of Hollywood.

Homeschooling wasn't and isn't the problem.  The problem is people whose jobs it was/is to protect children, aren't doing it.  So now the .GOV wants to restrict your rights to teach your own children.

Some of the bad guys are both better trained While most cops only shoot 150 to 200 rounds a year in practice and qualifications.  IF that.

The Political Power of Gun Owners Hmmmm

Doctors against Obamacare   How many more people are going to be negatively affected by ObamaCare aka The Affordable Care Act?

1 comment:

  1. Wide range of things, but this country IS heading down the rat hole, no thanks to those in DC!


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