Thursday, December 5, 2013

Seen one or two, but cute others!-from the inbox

Just when you think you have seen the best, and all of the variations---here's a new collection.

But t
hey're Cousins.... Identical Cousins....

     Brave little girl and a very smart dog...LOL

   I'm breaking out of here... 

I finally caught it!!!!!!

               What do I do with it now??

    snuggled in for a long winters nap...

  Lets show your tootsies...

            What the hell are you???

        Help I am stuck on step 5 and need assistance

this is Steve's Fred

     First day of swimming lessons

              FEED ME!!!! 



      Hi Dad

  One of my favorite ones.. 

       It was an accident I tell you, I got pushed in the mud.




       We Do

                                 So sweet

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