Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What many Atheists don't want to acknowledge.

"I have heard this “you can’t mix religion and science” argument so many times, and so many times the atheist gets away with making such a silly and irrational claim. A guy actually told me today that “Christians have always hated science.” What a bizarre and stupid thing to say; easily refuted, if only we take the time and endure the frustration. Modern science, despite the incoherent ramblings of historically illiterate fools, wouldn’t exist without religion.

Christianity hasn’t stifled science. Christianity has been its driving force and, for hundreds of years, virtually its only significant contributor. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Pascal, Descartes, Newton, Kelvin, Mendel, Boyle — all devout Christians. You want to remove your science from my religion? Fine. But we’re keeping these dudes. You can have Richard Dawkins and his tales of “mild pedophilia.” Enjoy."

I know several Atheists, who are right now slamming Phil Robertson for speaking his mind and beliefs, and saying that "Christians want to go back to the stone age"

A couple of them have actually gotten in my face when before eating, I take a moment to say a brief prayer inside my own head.  Not out loud, but quietly in my own head.  And they got bent out of shape.

I call Atheists like that "Militants"  And this is just my personal opinion, but to me, they are terrorists.

They intentionally go out of their way to provoke some type of confrontation with people who dare to show any type of religious behavior.  They constantly denigrate the beliefs and faiths of others.  And they do it in a way which is purposely insulting and degrading.

And yet if I or other try to speak out about how they treat us, they gang up on us.

I'm just trying to say my piece, but it's kind of hard when you have some barely out of his teens young man and his girlfriend yelling and screaming in my face, that somehow I am trying to force my beliefs on them.

They had their say.  When do I get mine?  Without being shouted down, insulted, and in 2 cases spit on.

Going back to Phil Robertson, everyone is screaming and shouting and making demands.  All he is trying to do is to make himself heard over the noise.  He is stating his beliefs.  And for that the Militants want to take away his right to even speak.

I'm sorry but according to the Militants, the cure for so called "Hate" speech is more speech.  But only if they decide who speaks and what is spoken.

Phil Robertson didn't say anything hateful.  He quoted the Bible and stated what he believed.  His belief and personal opinion.  And the Militants are trying to lynch him in the court of public opinion.

Granted in the Past Mr. Robertson has said things which are untrue and biased in the past.  But that was the past.  Does he have those same beliefs now?  Isn't he allowed to form new opinions?  To modify his beliefs?

Not according to the Militants.

We have a problem here in America.  We have too many Militants, who have been getting their way by throwing their tantrums and holding their breaths.

Maybe we need to call their bluff.  Maybe we need to stand back up to them and shout them down for a change?

Maybe it's time we told them to sit down and act like they have some manners for a change, instead of spoiled bratty children.

H/t Peter

1 comment:

  1. Yep, attack dogs that have gotten their way for WAY too long thanks to political correctness...


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