Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Mail Order Brides

In just a month I will have been divorced 10 years.  After being with the same woman for the preceding 14 years, having 7 wonderful children with her, it took mental illness for me to finally say enough and file for divorce.

Since that time, I've only had 1 what I would call a serious relationship with a woman who is still my friend.  But distance and time were against us.  She lived almost 170 miles away and was a full time student with a full time job.  We just could make enough time, nor could we afford the gas to make the trip more than once maybe twice a month.

Since she and I parted ways as good friends who still talk with each other when our schedules allow, I've tried dating websites, going to the bars even though I rarely drink.  And have run into some of the most self centered women.

Two of them went on and on about how if I was going to go out with them I had to accept their children.  And yet when they found out I have full custody of my 7 kids, they couldn't accept that.  One actually excused herself to go to the restroom at the restaurant and left me sitting there.  The other just told me after our third date that she already had enough kids and didn't need any more.

I'm not looking for a replacement mother for my kids.  They already have one.  I'd like it if that woman, whoever she may be would be my kids friend and my companion.

I was once asked what I am looking for in a woman.

After I told the person asking, I was laughed at and they told me I was a dreamer.

Is it really so hard to find someone, who has many of the same interests as myself.  Someone who would be both my lover, my best friend and partner in crime.  Someone who will go to sleep with me every night and wake up with every morning forever.

I've actually started looking into mail order brides.  However as you my readers know.  I'm poor.  With 7 kids, after the bills are paid and the kids needs are taken care of I have to scrape and scratch to get anything that isn't absolutely required.  I was talking to a neighbor about how I wanted to get back into reloading however when you can only afford to buy stuff for it every 2 sometimes 3 months, it's kind of hard to do so.

So what self respecting mail order bride would even give me the time of day?

So please don't mind me today.  I'm just venting a bit.  After getting burned several times, and with my responsibilities to my family, I'm even more gun shy than than a 17 year old nerd at his first Sci-Fi Convention.


  1. It's a hard fill, no question... Understand the venting too!

  2. I'd given up looking - then Miss D. came along out of nowhere.

    She'd also given up looking, until a mutual friend introduced us (against her wishes!).

    Shows that God has a sense of humor . . . and perfect timing!


  3. 1. The best places to fine a good woman is in real life. Preferably those parts of it that you are already in.

    2. Never go to a bar to find a woman unless you want the sort of woman who hangs out in bars.

    3. Without a doubt, the best place to find a good woman, is by personal referral from someone who knows both of you and will vouch for her character to you, and vouch for your character to her.

    4. There are worse things in life than being alone.

    5. Foreign women are a very high risk of instantly divorcing you for cash and prizes once they get here (at your expense). Almost as if they never had any intention of being tied to you in the first place. And some are part of trafficking in humans rings and you really don't want anything to do with that.

    Good luck to you. For what it is worth, I have money and a wife of many years, but would give a lot to have the children that I'll never have.



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