Monday, January 13, 2014

The Enemies Gate is Down and Maneuver Warfare

"In the mid-1980s a theory of warfare gained new prominence. The idea is to avoid large force-on-force attacks, use speed instead of firepower and strike at the enemy’s vulnerabilities. Proponents describe it as fighting smart. You attack the enemy’s thinking, forcing on him an unending chain of hard choices.

Practiced sporadically in ancient times, used heavily in World War II and still practiced today, it’s called “maneuver warfare.”

I tink that is one of the problems the Obama Administration has in relation to what is going on in the middle east.

They have forgotten what and where the enemies gate is.

They have forgotten just what they are trying to accomplish and how to go about it.

Which is why our troops have taken more losses since President Petulant came into office than during President Bush's entire term.

Remember how Obama, Kerry, Clinton and the rest of the Democrats and their media allies eviscerated Bush over the number of troop deaths?

Obama has eclipsed that number and we hear nothing but crickets.

With Secretary Gates new revelations about how Obama and Clinton were only opposed to the war for "Political" reasons, do we really have to ask ourselves if they really care?

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