Monday, February 24, 2014

Do as I say, Not as I do.

"As the Weasel Zippers blog notes today, “UNREAL: NY Times Suggests Killing ‘Climate Change Deniers’… Note the woman in the top right box using an icicle to stab a ‘denier’ in the chest.” I’m embedding the entire page with the New York Times’ logo on it, to make it obvious that the cartoon is appearing on their Website. Click on image above to expand. As the Zippers suggest, take a good look at the right-hand panel. Global warming has made much of the country so cold that the Times is instructing its readers to use giant icicles to bludgeon the non-believers to death."

The left has this credibility issue.  Such as if we don't agree with their unfounded premise of Global Warming/Climate Change/Anthropogenic Global Warming, we must be killed.

If we think there are too many gun laws already, we must be rounded up in camps and destroyed.

If we disagree with the Obama Administration in any way, we are "Racist" and must be killed.

Basically anyone who disagrees with what they believe in in basically a Apostate, Heretic, or evil and we must be removed from their dream planet before we can scare the little children.

I'm sorry.  But this is my planet too.  And just like them I have Rights.  The same Rights as them.

And yet here they are trying to restrict or destroy my Rights.  Because they don't think I should have them.

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