Monday, February 24, 2014

Honoring our Dead

Over at Bring the heat, Bring the stupid there is a post about the Mortuary Affairs Detail of the 54th Quartermaster Company of the 82nd Sustainment Brigade.  The post links to an article at Stars and Stripes which tells a story.  A story too many people either don't know, or forget.

This is what happens to you when you are killed in Afghanistan*

I can only hope that those soldiers understand just how important and honorable their job is, and if they need psychological help after everything they see, they are able to get it.

It reminds me of a movie however.  One that was very powerful and emotionally draining for me the first time I saw it.

Don't Cry It's Only Thunder

There is only so much suffering and pain a person can see and NOT be affected.

Stars and Stripes has given us a small glimpse of what they see and the emotional roller coaster they must deal with.

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