Thursday, February 20, 2014

I'm looking for a place to shoot near Corpus Christi

I live about 45 miles north of Corpus and the nearest places for me to shoot rifles at long range is a private range with a yearly fee.  Well I have 7 kids and a house to pay for so I cannot afford the yearly fee.

Does anyone know of a good inexpensive places to shoot out to 200 yards that is near to Corpus Christi?

I was invited to shoot on a readers property however when I got there the distinct lack of a good backstop made it so I didn't feel comfortable shooting long guns there.

For just plinking or shooting with my kids we can go shoot down into the ditch on our my families other piece of property about 150 yards away, but that is only good for close pistol shooting really, only 7 yards/21 feet.

So if you know of an area that's close to the north side of Corpus please send me an e-mail to the Gmail e-mail address over there on the right under where it says "Send a Missive" please.

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