Monday, February 24, 2014

IRS Targetting ties back to Obama

WASHINGTON – Experts agreed that the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative, pro-life, and evangelical groups in 2012 ties directly back to President Obama's campaign style before his presidency.

"The best way to look at this is as a continuum of a very long and determined political strategy that dates back to 2008 and a man named Barack Obama," Kimberley Strassel, a columnist for The Wall Street Journal, declared at The Heritage Foundation on Friday. Strassel argued that "this is a president and his team of political operatives who have always understood the power of speech, but more importantly, the power of denying it to their political opponents."

So if you were a Prosecutor or an Investigator, you would look for a pattern of behavior.  And according to the experts, the targeting of Conservative groups by the IRS, fits the pattern of behavior going back to Barack H. Obama's 2008 campaign.  Actually knowing what I do of the shenanigans in his 2004 run for his Senate seat.  If you look further back you will see stirrings of it in his 1996 campaign for Illinois State Senate.

All you need to do is look, the information is out there.  But if you may have noticed, it is also disappearing.  So look quick.

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