Saturday, February 22, 2014

KTD Project Phase II

If you look at my 2 earlier posts you'll see I mention Phase II of the KTD Project.

Phase II came about by me laying in bed sore as heck from the herniated disc in my neck, playing angry birds and reading books on my 7" Generic Chinese Android Tablet.

I realized, if I can read regular Kindle and other E-books on my tablet, why couldn't I read the CD3WD files and the extra files I put together.

After some experimentation, I found that I could read those files using the Kindle application for some of the files and the Aldiko application for most of the others.  There are some files that have to be opened only through a browser, and the Firefox Android Browser opened them, if a little slowly.  But using the Android tablet you can use your fingers to zoom in on a piece of text or a picture just by touching the tablet with two fingers and spreading them apart..  You can zoom out by doing the opposite.

Now the Knoppix Operating system of the original KTD Project required approximately 3 GB of space on the USB Thumb drive because of the way the files system is set up.  The Micro SD Card has the same limitation.  However, if you are using a tablet that already has the Android system on it, you don't need the Knoppix operating system and it's permanence file to save settings on.  The android system when it sets up the drive only takes up about 135 MB's of space.  Instead of the 2.5 to 3 GB's of space the Knoppix Drive OS did.

And my Extra Files that Originally included was almost 1.8 GB's of manuals and other files.  And yet is was over 150 files on it's own.  Imagine if I had 2 to 3 more GB's of space I could load files on.

So, I need some help from people with more knowledge than myself.  If you don't already know what is on the KTD Project Thumb Drive, please go read up on it at the following link: 
Help me pare down and enhance the Extra Files section.  If you want to see just what is in the Extra Files section you can download it for yourself at the following link:  KTD Extra Files  
I want to put together a larger Medical files section so I need to locate free open source texts and manuals for it.  I would like to improve upon the water treatment and sanitation section.  You can help.  Help me locate better more complete and up to date files, and help me identify the obsolete files.
Help me put together the new Extra Files section, so there is more information available to people who might need it.
There is no pay in this, but if you contribute help, your name will go down in the contributors section.  As of now it's been all me, gathering files, putting things together, and I'm too broke to do it all myself any more.  So please, if you really want to help make a difference, help me create the Phase II of the KTD Project.  And help spread the word to as many people around so more people can help.  They say Crowd Sourcing is the way of the future, lets see if we can make it work to help people who may be in need.

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