Sunday, February 23, 2014

Military Olympics

I have an idea that may sound strange.

But why not have all the military's of the world have their own versions of the Olympics?

Simple job really.  The competition is to have a combined forces Division, plus sea and air elements pickup, move and set down in an unknown location within 72 hours.

A committee would select which unit's would be used for each country.  The country's would have no choice.  Then the country's would be given notifications of which unit's were selected.  Then the clock starts.  The first country to have ALL of their forces on the ground would win the Gold.  ie: The target area is an coastal area.  The job is to go in with airborne forces, marines etc secure the beachhead/airstrip  And start building their FOB.  The first country to have all of their chosen forces in place within 72 hours wins.

The elements must include 1 company of Marines and their equipment, 1 company of Airborne Infantry, 1 company of Artillery, 1 company of mechanized infantry, 1 company of Armor, 1 Aviation Company, 1 CAS Squadron, 1 Air Superiority Squadron,1 C.S.A.R. Squadron, 1 M.P.Company and every unit's Logistics train.

Once all of the country's troops are in place, then the real competition begins.

First EVERYONE switches out for MILES Gear and Simulators.  Then each country is given a set of objectives.

They will have areas to defend and objectives to secure.

ie:  They have to secure their FOB and airstrip plus 4 OP/LP's while attacking the 2nd place country's LP/OP's/ Airstrip/FOB.  they have 4 days to secure the objectives while protecting their own. 

Each country will have to attack/secure against either the one above them or the one below them.

While that is going on, the naval forces will be doing the same.  Protect the beachhead/FOB/Airstrip while trying to take out the other country's naval forces.  All using simulators of course.  Submarines will operate against each other and surface ships, surface ship's will operate against submarines and each other.

Once all the simulated warfare is done, then the individual competitions begin.

A sniper range will test snipers against targets at known and unknown distances.  The same for Designated Marksmen and machine gunners.  Then individual troops with Rifle's, Shotguns and Handguns.

Small teams from each country will do land navigation problems and CAS simulations.

There will be artillery competitions.  Let's see just who can get the closest to the target with and without High Tech targeting systems.  They will have 4 hours to get to their assigned area set up and get on target.

Mortar teams will have the same missions.

MP's will also have their own competition.  I'm quite sure Troops and Marines will love volunteering for that part as they have permission to fight the MP's as long as there are no weapons and no deaths or serious injuries.

MP's Tactical Teams will also have their own timed competition.  To see who can secure a building and take out the badguys while leaving the hostages without holes in them.

3 whole weeks of competitions between various armed forces of the world.

At the end.  The first nation's forces to be pulled completely out leaving the area in better condition that they found it, wins the Major Gold Medal.

Any other ideas for competitions?

I got to thinking there would also be a good drill/competition of forces to train for Humanitarian missions such as Haiti, Japan's Tsunami or a wildfire such as happened in Australia.

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.

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