Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Think Internment couldn't happen again?

"Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia spokeyesterday at the University of Hawaii and when the subject of theCourt’s notorious 1944 decision upholding the wartime internment ofJapanese-Americans came up, the conservative justice had a soberingmessage for his law school audience."

Could it happen again?  That people could be interned without trial, without charges, without due process?

His answer?

"you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,"

In war or state of emergency, all rules and laws go out the air-lock.  In other words.  They no longer apply.

So don't look arund smugly and think "It can't happen again."

A Supreme Court Justice just said YES, IT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN.

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